Campaigns & Activism

Marking 16 Days of Activism Against GBV
16 Faces of Activism - Striving Towards Change for All Women in Kenya

In Coordination with the Women Centre for Peace and Development

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16 days of activism against GBV: a global campaign for change

The 16 days of activism against gender-based violence is an annual campaign, that begins on November 25th which is the International Day of Elimination of Violence against women. It runs until December 10 , which is also World Human Rights Day.

The campaign has been running since 1991, and was started by The Centre for Women’s Global Leadership to call for the prevention and elimination of Sexual Gender Based Violence. The UN theme for 2020 is Orange the World: Fund; Respond; Prevent; Collect, and campaigns are focusing on creating awareness, galvanizing advocacy activities, as well as solidifying knowledge and innovations sharing platforms and frameworks.

The campaign is supported by UN Global goals 5, 10, 16 and 17 which are Gender Equality, Reduced Inequalities, Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions as well as Partnership for the Goals respectively. Statistics show that in 2020, SGBV cases have increased exponentially in tandem with increased pressures emerging from different effects of the ongoing covid-19 pandemic. Shelters and safe houses are stretched, due to increasing cases of domestic violence.

16 faces of activism: Our local Campaign for change in kenya 2020-21

To mark this period, WOCPAD & Thrive for Change are engaging in an online campaign over Nov 2020 - Feb 2021, dubbed 16 Faces of Activism - Striving Towards Change for All Women in Kenya to spotlight women who have endured different forms of violence, and in the same breath shed light on individuals and organizations doing preventive, responsive and restorative SGBV related work. The idea is themed around the 2020 UN theme Orange the World: Fund; Respond; Prevent; Collect (data).

This digital campaign will see messaging shared on social media platforms, and where possible media interviews or podcasts. Thematic discussions will touch on SGBV, in a way that challenges the audience to question, and demand that more be done to galvanize laws and policies that protect women.