Our Mission

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THRIVE - Women Socio-preneurs for Change is a social enterprise based in Nairobi, Kenya that strives to support the development and empowerment of women in humanitarian work through the provision of training/capacity-building services.

Founded in 2018, the social enterprise specifically aims to enhance the skills and knowledge of female development workers, consultants and researchers in front-line, best practices related to gender, research and development. Through small group training activities, the organisation intends to grow women’s networks at home and abroad to foster improved exchange and collective thinking in ‘learning communities’ towards sustainable and inclusive development.

‘Training for training’

The proceeds generated from these training courses are then used for actual development work in Kenya in the training of low-income women as local change agents that can support peer-to-peer learning and support in marginalised communities such as refugee contexts.

Thrive is registered in Kenya as a non-profit ‘Company Limited By Guarantee’ (CLG-YXFLYB).



"There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women."

— Kofi Annan

"If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

— African proverb

When you empower women and help them thrive, you help their communities thrive…”

— Joy Bryant, Oxfam ‘Sisters on the Planet’ (SOP) Ambassador