THRIVE for Change

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Fostering Female CHANGE-MAKERS for Inclusion & Equality:
Professional Training

for Women in the Aid and Development Sector

Are you looking to expand your skills in development work, create greater impact and network with similarly-minded women…whilst also helping other women?

Thrive aims to support the professional development and empowerment of women in humanitarian aid and local development work through the provision of online and onsite training & capacity-building services.

Specifically, the organisation aims to enhance the skills and knowledge of female development workers - including NGO staff and local representatives - and researchers in front-line, best practices related to gender and development, social enterprise and research techniques, and to promote women’s networking and exchange.

The proceeds generated from these professional training courses are then used for pro-bono outreach to support marginalised refugee women in Kenya as local change agents that can support peer-to-peer learning and development in their communities.

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Our courses and workshops for Women in Aid and Development Work

Thrive holds special training courses and events for female aid workers, NGO and local organisational staff, and researchers in gender and development, social enterprise and research (Professional Development Courses).

Courses are both IN PERSON and ONLINE, and open to women in the East African region and beyond.

Short courses include:

  • Engendering development in fragile contexts: pathways towards women’s socio-economic inclusion

  • Qualitative research in fragile contexts: from design to analysis

  • Being a change maker: developing a social enterprise in challenging environments

Workshops include:

  • Thriving as a consultant: from contracts to report writing

  • Cracking coding in qualitative research

  • Compassionate and creative leadership in development

  • Wellbeing as a platform for empowerment and development

  • A socio-cultural approach to value chain development


New upcoming
social initiatives:
Women’s Youth Mentoring